Cruiser tool kits

Information snagged from an LCML posting by Timothy Stevens...

If the '85 tool set is the same as that in a '79-'83 FJ40, then these sets
came in a small "duffle" bag.  Each set contained the following:

 1. tool bag
 2. pliers
 3. dual screwdriver (w/phillips/straight blades)
 4. 10x12 mm wrench
 5. 14x17mm wrench (w/plastic connector to hold the wrenches together)
 6. lug nut wrench and lever
 7. spark plug wrench and lever
 8. pry bar for hub/wheel caps
 9. jack handle
10. adjustable wrench
11. hub cover replacer

Most or all of these tools are still available from Toyota.  The bags may
not be.--Tim(othy) Stevens